Sunday, February 6, 2011

Don't Tase Me Bro'!

Super Bowl Sunday. I can either grade papers or go downtown to the Houston Gun & Knife Show. So, I threw my camera in my bus bag and headed to the killing fields. Of course, my bag was searched at the door and the friendly Houston po-po threatened me with bodily harm if I took any pictures inside the show. What??? How can I blog about such a great event without documenting it on film?
The place was HUGE and it  was definitely a man event, but I did my best to look tough and blend in. The first booth I stopped at was Sparky's Tactical Weaponry. A nice gentleman asked me if I needed a taser. I said fo' sho'; whatcha got? He then pulled out the top of the line Cheetah and gave me a lesson in tasing. When Sparky told me I could carry my Cheetah inside schools I was sold. Writing out detention/office referrals is such a waste of my valuable teaching time. I can't wait to try it out tomorrow morning. Oh, you don't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance? ZAP! Oh, you don't feel like bringing a pencil to class? ZAP! Oh, Mrs.Menotti, you talkng to me?ZAP! Next gun show, my friend, Ashley, will have to go with me to speak gun talk to these people because I could only smile and shake my head so much. Everyone was so nice, so I asked a couple at one booth why they wouldn't allow pictures to be taken. In a low voice they told me it was because if anything "went wrong" they didn't want it publicized. With that little tidbit it was time to go.
Once I got home, I thought I'd better check out my Cheetah, so I tased my cat, Mishka, then I tased myself to be fair.What a rush! This was like Valentine's Day come early. I think I'm going to have a good week at school...

1 comment:

  1. hahahah! This is probably one of your best posts! I love it! Matt & I really wanted to go to the show, but he worked all weekend! Next time we will all go!!! Did you really tase your cat?!?!
