Saturday, February 27, 2010

Yeehaw! Let the rodeo begin

A perfect day for a bus ride downtown. Sunny with a temp around 50 degrees. Jumped on #81 at 1pm to see the movie Shutter Island at the Anjelika. Good movie. At Pease and Smith I talked to a very interesting man named James. He is 44 and lives at various locations in downtown Houston. James told me that he used to work in Washington,DC developing the top-secret Mars satellite. He still has high level security clearance but couldn't tell me more than that because the military police might snatch him up. James also is friends with the President. He was too busy to attend the inauguration last year, but he hopes to be visiting his buddy in the White House soon. Right when my bus arrived, James asked me if I had a boyfriend. To be continued...
What an exciting day! On the way home, there was a rockin' protest at Westheimer and Montrose. Of course I had to hop off the bus and investigate. First I talked to the people of Bulldog Ministries who were crazy enough to come to the heart of gay Houston proclaiming that G_d hates homosexuals. They just weren't as festive as the gay side of the street. I really liked the Honk if you support GAY sign. My ears are still ringing from all the honking. I must say that the rainbow supporters had the most creative and aestetically pleasing posters. The gay-bashers should really do something about their drab signs and wardrobe. It's just another fun-filled day in the 4th largest city in the USA.


  1. Thanks for posting this. I met the same man today and I was looking for people who have already blogged about to see some reactions to him. I've posted mine at Thanks for this, it was very insightful.

  2. I just wanted to say that I think those guys with are great!! Warm ,polite, well informed,great listeners,etc
    That's just me...david
